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LISTEN: Omar Souleyman Remixes Bjork
The Quietus , July 29th, 2011 11:28

Has he added a secret lyrical message?

The Quietus is looking forward to seeing Omar Souleyman playing on our Village Mentality Stage at Field Day next week with nearly uncontained fervour. We're therefore even more excited that his remix of Bjork's 'Crystalline' has surfaced online. Listen below. On it, Souleyman and friends at their customary digitally relentless sounds of Arabia. But! One YouTube commentator asks, is Omar Souleyman actually trying to crack on the Bjork in his lyrics? "I hope bjork actually knows what he's singing about," the YouTube user asks "It definitely has nothing to do with Crystalline. He's singing 'Oh that tall girl, Oh what a beauty... Look she's coming, go follow her'."