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Poets And Punks Celebrate Swells
Ben Hewitt , November 3rd, 2009 06:06

Tribute night in December

A tribute night for the dearly-missed Steven Wells will be held on December 4.

'The Night We Kept For Seething Wells' will celebrate the memory of Swells, featuring friend of The Quietus David Quantick, awesome poet John Hegley, gothic verse merchant Joolz Denby, and acerbic compere Attila the Stockbroker.

The official blurb from the event reads: "Steven 'Swells' Wells, who died of cancer on 24 June this year, was a roaring, radical, iconoclastic motormouth, a verbal timebomb permanently primed and aching to explode. As a journalist for the likes of the NME and, after his move to the states, the Philadelphia Weekly, he systematically demolished everything middle England held dear and then dynamited the rubble, while simultaneously immolating whiny indie bands, pompous rock stars and Morrissey. Before that, in the early to mid '80s, as the ranting poet Seething Wells, he did the same thing, only even louder because he was on stage - headlining one of the earliest Apples & Snakes gigs in November 1982. Tonight, some old mates and collaborators celebrate his loud, defiant, wonderful life. Book early!"

The evening will be held at The Albany, Douglas Way in London. Tickets will be £10, and £6 with concessions. Book tickets on 020 8692 4446 or online at