Baker's Dozen

Artists discuss the 13 records that shaped their lives


Depeche Move – Violator

I think I fell in love with this record when I first heard ‘Personal Jesus’, which was a big single in the US. I love the sound of this record. There’s no band playing live, rocking out in a room; you can tell that they’re sitting in front of their keyboards or drum machine and making the record one finger at a time. Yet somehow it’s got this amazing soul, with a clean technical sound and the vocals are so powerful. It’s one of those records for me. I used to always put it on in the car, particularly when it was raining and I had to drive somewhere and the window wipers were going back and forth. Till this day, whenever I put that record on, that’s what I can immediately think of: driving in the rain and listening to that record over and over again. I dunno if the rest of Garbage would necessarily put Violator on but we were playing it backstage at one of the shows the other night and Shirley was singing along. I think she said, "I always forget how much I love these guys, they’re a guilty pleasure of mine". The same could be said about Duke and Steve too but I’m probably the biggest fan.

Selected in other Baker’s Dozens: Lord Spikeheart, Tom Ravenscroft
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