Baker's Dozen

Artists discuss the 13 records that shaped their lives


Pretenders – Pretenders

Every song on the Pretenders’ self-titled debut is so good. The energy is superb; it’s a band playing at the peak of their powers. Unfortunately they didn’t really last – they buckled under the pressure, under their own personal demons. However this record is just amazing. You put it on and the energy and vibe and Chrissie Hynde’s lyrics and singing are pretty powerful and undeniable. Chrissie Hynde is one of my favourite female artists in rock music with one of the most gorgeous voices in rock. I know that Shirley adores her and cites her as one of her influences – some lyrics of Shirley’s in one of our songs, ‘Special’, is a total nod to Chrissie.

Selected in other Baker’s Dozens: Lord Spikeheart, Tom Ravenscroft

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