Thurston Moore Announces New Album, ‘By The Fire’

He's also shared a new track called 'Hashish'

Thurston Moore has a new album on the way.

Titled By The Fire, it’s the Sonic Youth founder’s seventh solo album and is preceded by lead track ‘Hashish’, which you can check out above. Moore describes it as "an ode to the narcotic of love in our shared responsibility to each other during isolation," while the video is comprised of footage from The Thurston Moore Group’s European tour in early 2020, as well as clips of Moore quarantined at his home during the past few months.

By The Fire sees Moore teaming up with his frequent backing band collaborators of Deb Googe from My Bloody Valentine (bass and backing vocals), Jon Leidecker AKA ‘Wobbly’ from Negativland (electronics), James Sedwards (guitar), and Sonic Youth’s Steve Shelley, who alternates on drums with Jem Doulton.

Moore worked on the album in North London recording studios up until the third week of March before the introduction of the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown, in order to complete the album. While Thurston and the band will likely be unable to tour the album this year, he was determined to get it out before the end of the year. The new album follows on from Moore’s last full-length effort, 2019’s Spirit Counsel.

"By The Fire is music in flames," says a statement attributed to Moore and his Daydream Library Series label, which will release the album. "2020 is our time for radical change and collective awareness and Thurston Moore has written nine songs of enlightenment, released to a world on fire.

"Taking a cue from Albert Ayler’s ‘music is the healing force of the universe’, this recording offers songs as flames of rainbow energy, where the power of love becomes our call. These are love songs in a time where creativity is our dignity, our demonstration against the forces of oppression. By The Fire is a gathering, a party of peace — songs in the heat of the moment."

The Daydream Library Series will release By The Fire on September 25, 2020.

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