This last Friday night the Quietus was lucky enough to be stood in the throng down the front at Pulp’s Primavera concert. The band came on after the stage was obscured by a curtain and a pleasing drone was played over the PA before launching into a banging set that began and ended with pre-fame Pulp tracks: ‘Do You Remember The First Time?’ and ‘Razzmattazz’ respectively. Jarvis Cocker was an electric eel onstage, and vocal too – he prevented a proposal of marriage in the crowd being a bit naff by following it up with ‘Underwear’, asked us if we were high then cranked out the lazers before ‘Sorted For Es & Whizz’ and introduced ‘Common People’ by dedicating it to the Spanish young people who, earlier in the day, had been beaten up by police at their protest site in Placa De Catalunya. "It is irritating when people from other countries make comments," Cocker said (or "as an outsider it’s difficult to judge situations in foreign countries", everyone seemed confused), "but I know that some shit went down in the main square today. When the police put 100 people in hospital it’s not a good thing." It was cracking, and you can listen to their set via a Spotify playlist here.
Pulp’s Primavera Return!
Listen as a Spotify playlist