TONIGHT: Lescop, Kawabe & Savages DJ

Pop Noire's best and brightest head to Birthdays

Record label Pop Noire are bringing their very finest to Dalston’s Birthdays tonight.

Heading up the bill is French artist Lescop, who has hopped over the Channel to bring us his fusion of house-inspired beats and Rimbaud-esque poetry.

In support, there’ll be Taigen Kawabe, frontman of acid-prog giants Bo Ningen, showcasing his brand new solo material, and DJ sets from Quietus favourites Savages and their producer Johnny Hostile.

Tickets are a mere £6.50 – get hold of them here.

Additionally, if you haven’t already seen the video for Bo Ningen and Savages’ Jehnny Beth’s collaboration, have a watch of it here right this second.

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