13. King CrimsonLarks’ Tongues In Aspic

I’ve seen all the King Crimson line-ups except the first one, but the one with John Wetton and Bill Bruford is for me far ahead of everything. The two albums I most like are Larks’ Tongues and Red.
I have seen King Crimson play so many times, thanks to my friendship with Robert Fripp. One tour, Robert asked the EG people to accommodate us, so my wife Agneta and I had our own room. The English have a strange sense of humour, you know. One time, he said with a completely straight face “you know what, I’m bored with all of this. Why don’t you replace me in King Crimson?”. I didn’t say anything but asked Agneta later if she thought he was joking. I think he was, and in any case I have a way of playing that is very dirty. Robert is very clean. What I do, it’s a different thing, with synthesizers, so I could never replace him anyway. What Heldon does is rock ‘n’ roll.