13. BEFMusic For Stowaways

I somehow remember hearing the first Human League album that has ‘Being Boiled’ on it, and just being amazed at how strange it was. Then when they started Heaven 17 it was the most odd, phenomenal pop music. At times it seemed as if they were choosing to be really poppy and commercial, and they were really good at it, and other times of their own free will and volition, they were trying to be like mutant pop stars. Then the BEF, and I feel old dating myself like this, it first came out as a cassette and it was very rare for an artist to release an album on cassette. There was one song on there, I think it’s called ‘The Decline Of The West’ and it still stands as one of the most beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard. That particular instrumental somehow wormed itself into my DNA. There are certain songs like that, ‘Heroes’ by David Bowie, ‘Atmosphere’ by Joy Division, I remember as a young 15-year-old musician thinking to myself ‘all I want to do is aspire to make music that’s 50% as good as this’. It seemed utterly absurd to try and make music as good as this, because that would be impossible, but I thought it might be a realistic challenge to make music half as good. Thank you for asking me to do this. Now I’m going to go and listen to all these records.