5. Eleh

I don’t know if Eleh is male or female. I am going to refer to them as "the artist". I read a piece about one of their earlier records and I sought it out. I was very interested in the idea, which is pure tone. Something about that very minimal concept is appealing. The tracks are beautifully executed objects of contemplation. They fill the space in the most magical way. A lot of care has gone into the atoms that are placed on this record. The pieces are very singular, simple things, existing in a specific way.
Eleh’s records are not that widely available. When I was a kid you’d read about an album in some magazine – which was itself already quite hard to get hold of. You’d then have to set out to get the record – it would take a few weeks, whereas now most stuff is available at the click of a mouse. Eleh’s are difficult to track down because of the way they are made and distributed. There is something quite special about that.