1. DntelAimlessness

This was the first electronic album I listened to. When I was 15 or so I was listening to a lot of rock music, indie stuff and the rest, like Death Cab For Cutie. But I must have been bored, looking on Wikipedia and finding associated acts. It came up with The Postal Service – but I never really got into that – Dntel was the project I fell in love with.
Do you remember what it was like hearing that for the first time, what you were doing or where you were?
I was probably at home, after school. This was a nice introduction to electronic music, it is quite a soft album – it’s not hard or harsh or anything.
Do you think that this is like something that changed your direction in terms of music making or listening?
At that point I wasn’t even making music. I still didn’t really know Ableton or Logic or anything like that, because this was in the transition between me finishing secondary school and then going to college.