5. SpiritualizedLadies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space

They’re the greatest rock band recorded. Jason Pierce’s marriage of rock and roll with classical composition – he was the one that really pulled it off at a time you could really make records like that. "Let’s have a full orchestra in here to do this space rock shit", "Whatever junkie, let’s do it". That time is done now I guess.
I have nothing but respect for Jason Piarce’s work. Romantically it’s the old world and we’re not going to get that any more unless some tragedy strikes. We have less tragedy and loss now. The problem with kids today is that they have no problems. We’re so connected with the Internet and cell phones and we have the answer in the palm of our hands with everything. There’s no mystery, romance is dead and we don’t have the disconnectedness we had when I was growing up and that’s fine. The death rattles of the old world and that old romantic sensibility with music has gone.