3. Harry SecombeAt Your Request

I’ve always loved Sir Harry Secombe’s rich tenor warblings. A finer command of vibrato in a vocalist it’s hard to imagine, although having said that there is a lad called Brian Cooper who performs at a pub near us in Sheffield and he’s quite good. (Top vocalist 2009 – it said on his publicity photo) But I love this record – all the heart stirring ballads like ‘Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life’ and ‘Come Back To Sorrento” Oo, I wish Harry would come back and host Highway once more. Sunday evenings have been rubbish since we lost him. But still, we can enjoy Sir Harry for ever by listening repeatedly to this super disc, and boy, what a cover! It’s humbling to observe a big star like Sir Harry waiting patiently for his tea to be poured. That lass seems to be taking her time and Harry could so easily have polished off a few biscuits while he was waiting – I’m sure I would – but the plate looks untouched. He’s also very smartly attired which is a big plus. Fantastic stuff!