6. I-f – Lost Tracks for Lost Minds

It’s the thing that inspired me to make music. Not only that but all the I-F and Bunker stuff. I just loved how simple it was but so effective. It’s really great dance music, by just being really raw and powerful. I would go record shopping in Hamburg and at one point I really got into deep house and into jazz, free jazz. And at one point I was thinking, ‘I want to hear this freedom in other dance music’. And not so much when it comes to electro, electro I see as a separate thing; it’s more scientific and it gives me another joy. But when it came to house and techno, I wanted to hear this freedom that I’d found in a lot of deep house. And then I heard acid it’s a completely different field but, in a way, when I hear I-F’s Lost Tracks For Lost Minds it’s almost, I really don’t want to say this, but it’s almost like listening to jazz. Just totally going for it and letting go. It’s fun, exciting music.