6. Nick Cave & The Bad SeedsThe Good Son

We had a very close relationship with the Birthday Party in the early days, and I remember when the Bad Seeds recorded this album too. They were in the studio – it wasn’t Hanza, it was a different studio in Kreuzberg – anyway, Nick was already kind of part time in São Paulo and he would come back and forth. And I really like this album, it was a real step up. I suppose I chose this one because ‘The Ship Song’ is my favourite Nick Cave song. ‘The Weeping Song’ with Blixa Bargeld is funny too. Angela Conway, who shot the video, did my video, ‘Die Sonne’, which was a duet with Blixa too. I really appreciated that the Bad Seeds always kept to their roots, but they developed too, and always tried to do something new. And they are so good live. I’ve seen them very often, a hundred times or something. I try to catch them every time they’re in Berlin, still. I meet a lot of old friends, some of whom I’ve not seen for 20 or 30 years. It’s a family meeting.