10. Barbara MorgensternFjorden

Barbara did seven or eight albums for the label, so having worked with her for so long, she’s naturally very important to me as an artist. She has a much different approach to working than I do, with a Hammond or piano, and for me, she is the queen of harmonies and the opposite of what I am. I’m a drum person, and she is really coming from this ability to twist a harmony. Suddenly there comes a change where you go, ‘ooh, nice’. Her music is instantly recognisable and I think she’s outstanding. And a great person on top of it all.
Fjorden came at the beginning of her career when she was an aspiring musician. I saw her play live with just a drum machine and a Vermona organ and I thought, ‘what’s that? She’s daring to do this?’ And that inspired me to do my solo stuff actually. She was so natural and there weren’t many women around at the time. I saw her and signed her! It was a big inspiration for me to do my own stuff as well.