8. 2001: A Space Odyssey

When I watch this film I feel a little bit more at home. It’s like when kids ask their mum to tell them the same story every night before they fall asleep; every year I need to go back to a cinema or get a new hyper-enhanced Blu-ray 4k whatever of 2001 to see if it got better during the last year. I’ve been watching the movie at least once a year since I was 6 years old.
Is it true that you’ve got the biggest collection of posters for this film anywhere in the world?
I think so! When the internet was becoming popular I didn’t really know if I wanted to get a computer and connect it to my phone line to connect to the rest of the world. But the moment my friend taught me how to use it, I said “Well can you find movie posters on the net?” We just Googled it, and I saw that there were many shops selling posters. I’m very stupid with the mental disease that is called collecting. All the money I earn making movies, I don’t spend it buying clothes, or shoes, or going to restaurants. I just buy books, DVDs, and movie posters.