13. Palindromes

Palindromes is a movie I’ve seen ten times, that I show to all my friends on DVD. From all of this list, it’s the one that makes me laugh the most. Todd Solondz is so funny, his humour is so black and so acid that I’m surprised that he made this film in the United States. I was with him last week in New York and I said, “I’m obsessed with your movies!” He said “Yeah, but people are afraid of them in this country. They say they’re too dark!” Palindromes is the weirdest one of them all.
He’s got almost like, the humour of Ulrich Seidl, they’re not far from each other. If I had to submit a double bill for a comedy festival, I would choose this and [Seidl’s] Paradise: Love. The situations are so funny and so cruel at the same time.