11. Royal TruxTwin Infinitives

I remember when I was just hearing about John Cage, and being told how amazing he is for ‘4’.33”’. To be quite honest I didn’t really buy it. Then I heard this record and this just made sense, I love the way they use silence, there’s sometimes 15 seconds or 40 seconds in between tracks. I’m a huge fan of listening to albums front to back, I don’t stream or any of that. Something about that band is just amazing, I really think they’re living life to their full potential and all the chaos involved in that. And there’s some great songs as well, the last song on that record, ‘New York Avenue’ I think it’s called, just reminds me of walking down an alleyway and feeling unsafe and having to look over your back but still holding your posture because it’s what you gotta do. And I love Jennifer Herrema, I’ve been thinking a lot about style in music and how far that can take something. For me Royal Trux is the most stylish band.
tQ: They had a dark side too
They did, everyone does. Sometimes I feel like substances that men and women have created on earth can bring the worst out in people, but with the Trux it’s something you sign up for. You know what you’re gonna get and I dig that, it’s a perfect analogue to life.