Baker's Dozen

Artists discuss the 13 records that shaped their lives

3. Sibylle BaierColour Green

I can’t recall how I came across Sibylle Baier. It was probably another one of those things where a friend suggested her music, knowing the kind of music that I was making and the kind of music that I liked. I’m sure a friend suggested it to me. I was probably in my twenties. I don’t remember exactly when it came out, but I know that her son [Robby] released it many years after she had recorded it. This wasn’t something that she released. This came out when I was older. I don’t know exactly what age, but it wasn’t something I grew up with.

When I heard it, I instantly connected to it. It also gave me a lot of confidence as a writer, because I think this is the kind of thing that I most was enjoying writing and singing as well – songs about simple yet universal things, and the repeating guitar pattern on an old, classical guitar, that sort of lulling, lullaby energy to it. Her voice is just so calming and beautiful. It’s very soothing.

Selected in other Baker’s Dozens: Lee Ranaldo
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