5. WardrunaRunaljod – Gap Var Ginnunga

Wardruna’s music had a powerful effect on me instantly. This first album of theirs came out in 2009, which was right about when I was starting to release music myself. I remember thinking, “This is the first new band that I’ve heard in a long time that makes me feel so excited and drawn in.” I was an instant fan, and forever a fan.
I’ve seen them live a couple of times. They were wonderful shows. I met [frontman] Einar Selvik at Hellfest, which is a festival in France that we’ve both played a few times. I got to see their set and then briefly speak to him afterwards, fangirl a little bit, tell him how much of an inspiration he is to me. It was definitely a good experience. You can tell he’s a very grounded person. I appreciate being able to love someone’s music and also understand that they are someone who is very grounded, kind, and thoughtful, and he has an earthy connection to nature.