2. FeltAbsolute Classic Masterpieces

You have to play the game and compromise to the max to be allowed the chance to become a pop star – nowadays there’s no limits to the depths X Factor wannabes will go to get their 15 minutes of fame. Felt frontman Lawrence was never going to go for any of that so consequently didn’t crack the big time. His heroically cantankerous nature makes him the fascinating subject of recent ‘rock doc’, Lawrence Of Belgravia, a jaw-dropping portrait of glorious failure. The fact is, Lawrence should be as big a pop star as Elton John or Coldplay, evidence of which can be heard on this compilation of superb jangle pop from a time in the early 80s when Felt were direct rivals of the Smiths and Aztec Camera. Things can get a bit melancholy though – for it’s certainly not a laugh a minute in the company of Laurence and his chums, but there’s a lot of beauty in these tracks. Laurence is still making quality pop with Go Kart Mozart. Of course I am well known for being capable of kicking up a stink when necessary but nobody was going to find an excuse to stop me having my turn on Top Of The Pops, so I kept it under wraps to a certain extent. Novelty song… yup…. drum machine… cool… parrot on shoulder… sure thing. Can I have the cheque now?