
I’ve never got on with Les Pauls, perhaps it was the snarling rock tone, or the substantial weight… whatever, I recently found myself party to a conversation about leading players of said instrument. Steve Jones and Slash were mentioned but when it came to my turn (and being of a certain age) I couldn’t see past Peter Green, by far the most tasteful of all great late 60s Brit blues guitarists – and there was a fair few of THEM too. The sweet spot between an amplifiers clean and cranked settings has never been bettered than here, and so I told a friend who’d just got his son a Les Paul to accompany it with a copy of this record. I find the economy and taste of the playing endlessly inspiring – and so much more appealing to the ear than all that twiddly diddly flash nonsense. I find artists that have two bites at success interesting – compare this album to Rumours and it could be a different band entirely. The same could be said for the two incarnations of Pink Floyd… and a certain punk band that modesty forbids me from mentioning. Ahem!