6. Neil YoungRust Never Sleeps

I love all the feedback. I really like – and it’s not very popular to say these days to be honest – but I like genuine solos and that kind of "going off on one". I think it’s brilliant. It can go terribly wrong but that’s life really. It’s great, and it doesn’t happen enough but he does it a lot on there. There’s no point curtailing a solo. Then you’ve got occasionally the other side, the sensitive bit, which is quite a big contrast. He’s good at doing what he wants, isn’t he? He doesn’t really give a shit about other people’s ideas on music. He has his aspirations to do something, and he gets really into it and he does it, and he gets bored of it and he stops. [Laughs] Now that sounds easy doesn’t it, but it’s not. I couldn’t do that. He rules the roost doesn’t he? It’s not going to work if I do that, is it?