2. Barış MançoÖlüm Allah

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He was like the John Lennon of Anatolia, Turkey. He’d made dozens of records and when he died there were a million people or something at his funeral procession. There were people lining the streets with his portrait. On his birthday, they have a special design on Google Turkey and his name trends on Twitter worldwide.
There are a lot of Turkish people here in Berlin and on German YouTube you tend to find more Turkish channels. I was looking through their oldies channel because I like Eastern musics and a lot of artists from North Africa and when I find something good on a channel then it’s worth my time to dig through their crates. I figure it’s an anomaly in this day and age if someone had three good records, so if I find someone who’s doing something really good then I’m going to check out all of their stuff.
See his visuals, someone who looks like this vampire crusader guy, really over-the-top with these Black Sabbath-looking clothes with the long hair and the beard and I was just like, "Wow!" In the 70s he started recording with some German guys so it’s really rocking out.
I really fell in love with this song and I started playing it on this little radio show I have when I DJ. My friend in Sweden got me the actual disc and I then read about him in Mojo and I was like, "I didn’t find out about him from you guys! Where did you guys find out about this?" So I was wondering how that went viral.
But he was great and he died while screwing some young chick on the side and he just went out like a legend. But the best thing about this song is the title which I looked up: ‘Death Warrant Of God’ and that fits right into the puzzle, because he looks so outrageous and the song has this heavy air about it. I translated the lyric and turns out it’s all about God signing your death warrant – look out! I think that’s so rock, you know?