Viryl Technologies, a company based in Canada, is starting a new "global" pressing plant called PhonoHive which will be run in part online.
Phonohive will allow record labels to send in music they want pressed to vinyl online. They can then select the location, quantity and shipping date for each release. "Test pressings will be completed at PhonoHive HQ and once approved the job will be distributed to plants for production," says Viryl Technologies. "This is possibles because all WarmTone machines are connected via ‘the cloud’ and can talk to one another."
Records are usually pressed at one specific location, or several locations in different larger markets, before being sent to countries around the world for distribution. PhonoHive’s system has been designed to cut down shipping costs for labels and distributors, and to help to manage the demand that has seen many labels’ releases delayed at the pressing stage.
PhonoHive currently has a default turnaround of six to eight weeks for an order. You can find more information here. A video above explains how it works.