Psycho Vs Psycho Screening On Thursday!

'Five screens, two films, one motel' coming to Leicester Square Theatre

Cigarette Burns join in the 13th Hour Horror Festival at Leicester Square Theatre (next door to the Prince Charles Cinema) this Thursday October 25 with a unique experiment that’s sure to appeal to Hitchcockians, cineastes and/or highly disturbed individuals with Oedipus complexes everywhere. Taking advantage of the venue’s multi-screen layout, the cult film crew will show Alfred Hitchcock’s iconic 1960 picture at the same time as Gus Van Sant’s almost shot-for-shot 1998 remake, which substitutes Vince Vaughn, Anne Heche and Julianne Moore for Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh and Vera Miles respectively (audio will be from the original).

The lights go down at 9pm; advance tickets can be purchased from here. Watch a bespoke trailer for the event below and be warned: no one… BUT NO ONE… will be admitted to the theatre after the start of each performance of Cigarette Burns Cinema’s Psycho Vs Psycho.

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