The Quietus - A new rock music and pop culture website


Quietus Most Read: October
The Quietus , November 2nd, 2012 09:45

Scroll down for a digest of our most read articles on the site this October, plus a few gems you might have missed along the way...

And so October draws to a close already, and with it, a month that's seen us fulfil several lifelong Quietus ambitions, among them snaring both an interview with Kylie Minogue and an in-depth chat with Jonathan Meades. In the interests of reminding you of some of this busy month's best content, we've decided to put together another of our semi-regular monthly digests of 'most read' articles. So here, for your browsing pleasure, are the top 10 most read articles on the Quietus for October, plus three gems you might have missed along the way.

1. Kylie Minogue Interviewed

Kylie chats to Simon Price about acting, working with Nick Cave, performing live and the strangeness of being bracketed as an 'older' pop star. Click here to read the full interview.

2. Quietus Albums Of 2012 So Far

It's been a bloody good year for albums so far, and halfway between midterms and our end of year list, there's still plenty to delve into from the first half of 2012. Click here to read the list.

3. "Man Up?" Why We Need To Talk About Depression

To coincide with World Mental Health Day, Josh Hall wrote an impassioned argument about why it's more crucial than ever that we learn to talk about mental health. Click here to read the piece.

4. John Carpenter's The Thing, 30 Years On

It's hard to believe it's been three decades since Carpenter unleashed his dark masterpiece on the world, says Steve Earles, but it's only grown in majesty in the intervening years. Click here to read the feature.

5. Genesis Breyer P-Orridge Interviewed

Joseph Burnett speaks to the former member of COUM, Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV about pandrogyny, Lady Jane Breyer P-Orridge, and their ongoing artistic vision. Click here to read the interview.

6. Ariel Pink & Beta Male Misogyny

Joe Kennedy finds that behind twee's pretence of gender equality lie the same old battles of male vs. male antagonism. Click here to read the piece.

7. Frank Zappa's Reissues 1966-72 reviewed

Everyone at the Quietus is either Zappa sceptic or phobic. Ringo P Stacey tells us exactly why we're wrong. Click here to read the review.

8. Tame Impala's Lonerism reviewed

Michael Dix examines one of the most talked about albums of the month, and finds "a progressive, accessible album that could take Tame Impala to the next level, or the mainstream - whichever comes first". Click here to read the review.

9. Duff McKagan's 13 Favourite Albums

We snag the Guns N' Roses/Neurotic Outsiders/Velvet Revolver man to tell us about his favourite LPs, featuring Stooges, Stones and Queens. Click here to browse through his favourite LPs.

10. Bat For Lashes interviewed

John Freeman speaks to Natasha Khan on the eve of the release of new album The Haunted Man. "If you don't want to repeat the same mistakes – to forge your own path and break the cycle - you need to be conscious of [your past and your family's [past] and why they happened, and have compassion for them." Click here to read the full interview.

And three things you may have missed...

1. Adrian Utley On A Woodland Sonic Journey

Luke Turner chats to the Portishead man about his recent compositions for sounduk's Sonic Journeys series and the wonders of our ancient woodlands, "compelling in their beauty, their strangeness". Click here to read the feature.

2. The Power & The Glory

Vatican Shadow batters and bruises Corsica Studios into submission with a live show by turns beautiful and horrifying. John Calvert is there, "oxygenating to this bizarre and mind-altering exhibition, as Dominick Fernow goes full Section 8". Click here to read the full live review.

3. David Bowie, Cocaine & The Occult

Read two extracts from Peter Doggett's excellent new book The Man Who Sold The World, delving into the star's drug-fueled all-time low. Click here to read the full feature.