The Sufis

The Sufis

Now here’s a thing: the moment you think you’ve got The Sufis pinned

down, the slippery buggers take a sharp detour into yet another

psychedelic wormhole. For sure, the opening trio of ‘Where Did She

Go’, ‘Sri Sai Flora’ and ‘Wake Up’ will have those who favour paisley

shirts and Cuban heels nodding their fringes knowingly, as they reach

for the bong and lava lamp – for these are tracks that unashamedly tip

their Lenin caps to The Beatles of ’66 and the Pink Floyd of Piper At

The Gates Of Dawn vintage. But then things start getting a little, uh,


Hailing from East Tennessee – a part of the world that seems to have

bought into Timothy Leary’s idea of putting LSD into the water supply,

judging by the volume of psych and garage rock emanating from its

locale – The Sufis are Calvin Laporte, Jay Smith and Evan Smith, and

while the halcyon days of swinging London’s UFO club, the Alexandra

Palace’s Technicolour Dream and Roundhouse all-nighters are the

starting-off point, the trio offers so much more to open your head


As evidenced by the wigged out journeys into inner space that are

‘Downtrace’ and the plain cosmic – or should that be kosmische? –

‘Lemming Circle Dance’, The Sufis gleefully take a few cues from Can’s

more pulsating grooves. Also firmly in place is a cornucopia of

treated organs, tremeloed vocals, flutes, string scrapes and any

number of effects designed to be as far away from the 21st century as

possible. Or, for that matter, anything resembling sanity.

Of course, it’d be easy to dismiss The Sufis as little more than

shameless copyists with little interest in the here and now, but this

is to do them a grave disservice. Psychedelia’s always been about

subverting the norm to gain a greater insight into the wider truths

that are out there, and in this respect The Sufis succeed with aplomb.

It’s also a testament to the enduring appeal of rock & roll and the

fact that, despite the whinging of naysayers forever attempting to

shovel the dirt on the grave of the genre, it’ll never die.

Though this debut may be struggle to convert believers outside the

existing circle of disciples, there remains enough evidence that what

they do next should create some seismic and significant rumbles.

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