Dumbfuckingstan vs. British Art School Rock – It’s No Contest Says Swells

American rockers adapt to the soul-destroying nightmare of bashing out the same turgid muzak to wildly appreciative audiences of incredibly badly dressed white retards by becoming the nightmare. They survive by ritually and joylessly humiliating every woman they meet. Most US band tour buses keep a "slut book" in which photos of abused and degraded females are lovingly placed in a album that the drugfucked scum haul out for violent on-bus circle jerks. It’s no life for a sensitive English poet.

Let’s make this clear— Middle America’s incredibly badly dressed white

retards are no worse dressed, whiter or retarder than their equally

inbred suburban English cousins, but they are legion. There are

millions of them—vast hordes of lighter waving, tit-exposing,

drooling, overweight and corn syrup addled human dung beetles eating

up the shit thrown at them by the rock music industry with a gusto

that borders on the disgusting, marches across that border, colonises

disgusting and claims it as a colony of the United States of

Dumbfuckistan. Imagine if Slough was a country. Now imagine if it was

an entire continent. Now imagine you lived there 4 months of the year.

Would you become a heroin addict? Yes you fucking would.

European bands go mad. The good ones, anyway. Really groovy British

groups are destroyed by the vast gaping cultural chasm that is Middle

America, while lowest-common-denominator wank peddling shit monkeys

like U2 thrive. You want to know why the Cure and Siouxie and the

Banshees never broke the US? Because it was like asking brittle boned

show ponies to trot across a desert carrying stupendously fat cunts on

their oh-so-snappable backs. Dumbfuckistan is one huge suburb. A

Batley. A Penge. A Scunthorpe with square dancing. Neasden with cowboy

hats, Slough with mutant banjo players.

In the UK the highly-strung art school prima donna is never more than

a few hours drive from civilization. In the US the groovy college

towns are few and far between and in those vast, cavernous spaces the

scream of a bored shitless failed frock designer peddling esoteric

neo-romantic synth noodlings to audiences of flannel shirted wrestling

fans who just wanna fuckin’ rock can echo for ever for ever.

"Dude, like why is that limey dude like crying?"

"Who gives a fuck dude? Let’s fuckin’ rock!"

Touring flyover country is like starring in a never-ending I’m a

Celebrity Get Me Out of Here with cunts you’ve never heard off in

places that Sir John Fucking Betjeman would nuke to radioactive slag

in an instant if he knew if their existence and wasn’t, like, dead.

In his book ‘Save Me From Myself’, Brian "Head" Welch, guitarist for

lowest-common denominator shit-metallers Korn, talks about watching a

roadie pissing on "some girl". And it’s ho-hum. Being in an American

touring band is like being an anal-rape stunt double in the animal

porn industry; soon it takes being forcibly fucked in every orifice by

a multi-phallused space god to turn you on. And that’s what happened

to Brian ‘Head" Welch. He gave up the crystal meth for Jesus. He made

a living preaching dumbed-down existentialism to the children of

people who say grace before they eat pizza at the mall and guess what?

God got him. The baby Jesus injected him with spiritual crystal meth

in both fucking eyeballs and his brain exploded. This is not a good

way to go.

What he doesn’t know is that Jesus will not save him. I just spent 10

days on the road with a Christian band who—after day 9—confessed that

in the recent past they have engaged in on-road warfare with other

Christian bands involving:

• Biblically plaguing a tour bus with locusts, mice and fish bought from a pet store.

• The flinging of menstrual piss.

• Shitting in a pizza box

• Hiding a punctured can of tuna on a tour bus and (my favourite)

• Nearly causing a multi-car fireball/pile-up by flinging a

lighter-fuel drenched and flaming dead squirrel from the door of one

speeding Christian tour bus onto the hood of another.

This is what Dumbfuckistan does to nice Christians. Now imagine what

it does to like rilly cool Briddish types. The drugs aren’t an

indulgence; they’re a fucking necessity. Sid killed Nancy and then

himself because the existential dread that is life on a tour bus stuck

in a truck stop exactly equidistant between a Kum and Go and an Arbys in deepest, dullest, dimmest Kansas was whispering in his

ear "Ahm gonna get you, boy." All your anglo-insouciance, all your

groovy Brit flibbertygibbetty art school cool will wither and die in

the chemical toilet scented wind that blows from Texarkana.

I have in front of me a bag of crisps that reads "Southern Home Potato

Chips with Coach’s Low Country Boil Seasoning".

Do you know how long that is amusing for? About 8 seconds. And then it

becomes terrifying. You are among inbred assholes who think that

Coldplay don’t suck, that Obama is an Al Qaeda sleeper, that the

troops are protecting our freedom and that Kum and Go is a fucking

great name for a chain aimed at families.

You will never wake up with the tour bus in a circle of flame of and

chanting Satanists. It never gets that exciting.

Middle America is death incarnate for British rock bands. Take a look

at what America did to the Bromley contingent—the gang at the heart of

British punk. Siouxie and the Banshees took one sniff and ran

screaming back to Croydon. Sid did himself in. And Billy Idol—the

pretty boy dimbo blessed with the spiritual depth, artistic ability

and intellectual capacity of a banana—survived and flourished in the

spiritually neutron-bombed wastelands like a leather trousered

peroxide cockroach.

What does not destroy us makes us dumber. Only the Billyidolist survive.

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