Your Wilderness Revisited Project Launched

A multimedia art project exploring the British suburban environment will launch at East End Film Fest

Your Wilderness Revisited is an upcoming project which will explore the British suburban environment and the history that has created its current forms, with a premiere set to take place later this month as part of East End Film Fest. You can check out a trailer for the project above.

The project, put together by Will Doyle alongside photographer Matt Colquhoun and video artist Sapphire Goss, is described as "an attempt to define a large portion of our built environment where only loose definitions currently exist."

The project is further explained thusly: "At the edge of almost every town or city there is an estate of houses that all look the same. In labyrinthian cul-­de-sacs, with tarmacked pathways, wooden fences, green surroundings. Places we all know yet seldom notice­­. These places and the houses within them were designed not by architects, as though the product of a New Town utopian idealism, but by committee and consultation on land sold to competitive private developers.

"Although these places appear homogenous, anodyne, utilitarian, they remain strangely beautiful through human interaction and development and through their constant gradients between brickwork and nature. YWR reimagines these unassuming spaces as sites of thousands of lives lived and as dreamscapes of their possible pasts and futures."

The project’s launch event will take place at Shoreditch’s Kamio on June 24 and you can get tickets here. Find more information on the project here and check back in with us tomorrow for a new edition of The Quietus Hour featuring Will Doyle guesting and talking about the project.

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