Watch: New Clogs Video

See 'Last Song' here

The Quietus has another video for you this afternoon – this time, it’s ‘Last Song’ by Clogs, taken from their new album The Creatures In The Garden Of Lady Walton.

Speaking about the video – which features The National’s Matt Berninger on vocals – directors and twin brothers Benjamin and Stefan Ramírez Pérez said: "The video shows a fragmented narrative that unfolds through an overlay of two visual layers. We filmed a miniature set of empty spaces and then overlayed these images with animated scenes showing dissolving, floating fragments of bodies, faces and gestures.

"Based on hand drawn animation that is partially looped the video develops through actions that are repeating themselves and disjointed animated elements coming together in different variations and contexts. Our aim was to create a constantly evolving and reshaping narration, consisting of details and miniscule gestures or actions that characterize the ambiguous relationship between two characters, shifting between isolation and interaction."

Click below to watch the video.

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