At the Quietus, we have long divined great significance in the status of Jim Sclavunos’ facial hair. Does he have a beard when Grinderman are recording? Or is it the Bad Seeds? As he says, "beards are customarily associated with wisdom and virility. And that’s a win-win situation." Now, the well-dressed gentleman of the sticks has given us insight into the goings on of his face with a video wherein he visits Carter And Bond barbers to "divest myself of two years of beard growth". Watch the rather luxurious process above, and enjoy a special ‘Carter And Bond’ theme tune written by Sclavunos, James Johnston and Sarah Lowe that goes with it. The fruits of Sclavunos’ labours can be heard on the forthcoming Nick Cave & The Bads Seeds album Push The Sky Away, released next year. Will you be able to hear the state of his beard at the time of recording? Should we send John Doran for a shave at Carter & Bond? These are the questions of our age.
WATCH: Jim Sclavunos Having A Shave
Bad Seed & Grinderman enjoys a trip to the barbers