Two gents with excellent beards, sat in the front of a fire having a chat… yes, it’s our own John Doran interviewing former Quietus sex columnist Aidan Moffat for our friends at Noisey. John remembers bumping into Aidan before an Arab Strap and Mogwai gig in 1997, and they’ve just about got enough braincells left to recall it. Talking poppers, Aidan says that he and Malcolm used to watch Stuart Braithwaite’s foot for the cue for the "loud bit" so they new when to take a big Amyl honk; and talking pop, Moffat says that his recent highlight was the Nicola Roberts album. They also discuss Aidan’s recent, brilliant L Pierre album, his winning of the Scottish Music Prize with Bill Wells and why having a son didn’t mellow him out… "it made me worse."
WATCH: Doran Meets Aidan Moffat
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