Fucked Up & More For Visions Festival

Fucked Up, Jackson Scott and Spectrals all added to Hackney festival

Visions Festival have announced the second round of acts added to their bill, with Fucked Up, Jackson Scott, Spectrals, Childhood and The Wytches all on the line-up for the event, which take places on August 10 in three warehouses across Hackney: Netil House, The Oval Space and New Empowering Church.

Writing about Fucked Up’s set at Field Day two weeks ago, we said: "It’s as if I’ve wandered into another festival, another dimension even – one where we are all fifteen again, bands are our gods, gigs our frenzied communion – and it’s the most brilliantly life-affirming thing I’ve seen in months." Read the review in full here.

UPDATE – June 25: East India Youth, Koreless, PAWS, Gaps, Kirin J Callinan and Primitive Parts have all been added to the bill.

They join the previously announced The Haxan Cloak, Iceage, The Soft Moon, !!!, Cloud Nothings, Iceage, Jeffrey Lewis and others.

Apart from concerts, there’ll also be a record fair, art exhibitions and food market. All the earlybird tickets have been sold out but full price tickets are now available; head over to the festival’s website to get hold of them.

Keep tuned to this space for updates and have a watch of Fucked Up’s video for ‘Queen Of Hearts’ below:

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