UK Government Drops COVID Pass Requirement For Clubs In England

Proof of vaccination or a negative lateral flow test result will no longer be required

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that COVID-19 entry requirements for nightclubs and other event spaces will be dropped in England from next week.

Under ‘Plan B’ measures introduced late last year, nightclubs were required by law to request proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or proof of a negative lateral flow test result in order to allow people inside venues for events. This will no longer be the case from January 26, but this only applies to England for now. The requirements had applied to all unseated indoor venues with a capacity of at least 500 people and unseated outdoor venues that hold more than 4,000 people.

The introduction of the ‘Plan B’ measures coincided with an alarming increase in COVID-19 cases, credited to the Omicron variant of the virus. Though COVID-19 entry requirements have now been dropped in England, venues will still be able to draw up their own COVID-19 policy and it’s expected that many will continue to ask for proof of vaccination or a negative lateral flow test result before allowing people to attend an event.

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