TUSK Festival Launches Monthly Online TV Show

Tomaga percussionist Valentina Magaletti and tQ contributor Jennifer Lucy Allan will feature on next month's inaugural TUSK TV, while there's also a digital label being launched

Newcastle festival TUSK is launching a monthly online TV show.

Launching on April 2, we launch TUSK TV will feature contributions from the kind of diverse figures that you could usually find at the festival’s events pre-COVID-19. Each show will run for around five hours and will be to free to view, before being added to TUSK’s online archive.

The inaugural episode on April 2 will be presented by tQ contributor Jennifer Lucy Allan, and will feature free jazz artist William Parker, US rapper Nappy Nina, Tomaga percussionist Valentina Magaletti, and Norwegian skronk group SPUNK. It follows on from the success of last year’s virtual edition of TUSK.

TUSK is also launching a digital label, TUSK Editions. Billed as "a monthly digital publication that merges the old school record club idea with the current evolution of digital publishing and music releasing in the age of COVID/Brexit," it will launch with the first collaborative album by Tyneside electronic music producers Stephen Bishop and Mariam Rezaei.

There will also be an exclusive track from Jim O’Rourke, a mix from the Hive Mind Records label, an essay on William Parker by writer Stewart Smith, lockdown thoughts from Jennifer Lucy Allan, and more. Each TUSK Edition will be available via Bandcamp and the festival’s website, where you can find more about the label and TUSK TV, as well as sign up to be a TUSK member.

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