WATCH: The Unsemble – Act 3

Premiere of video from Duane Denison, Alexander Hacke and Brian Kotzur trio's self-titled debut, out this week

Yesterday in the UK and Europe and today in the US, Ipecac have released the self-titled debut of The Unsemble, a trio comprising Jesus Lizard founder Duane Denison, Einstürzende Neubauten’s Alexander Hacke and Silver Jews collaborator Brian Kotzur. The album’s the end-result of the group coming together in Denison’s Nashville home over two weeks during the summer of 2012 to record some part-composed/part-improvised instrumental cuts. ‘Act 3’ finds Kotzur and Hacke’s rhythm section towing a snaking, Surfer Rosa-era Pixies line, before Kotzur cuts through with a rock solid break, all underpinning Denison’s spiky, two-chord riff. We’ve got a first look at the video – how you’d imagine Black Hawk Down would look if it was set in the American boondocks in 1910 – so play that above and head to Ipecac to get hold of the record.

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