WATCH: The Icarus Line Album Trailer #4

Preview of track Dead Body

Following on from Tuesday and Wednesday’s new Slave Vows trailers, here’s today’s clip from The Icarus Line’s new album, featuring the track ‘Dead Body’.

Have a read of Joe Cardamone’s introduction to the trailer below, with all three previous clips following:

"Reconnecting with original bass player Lance Arnao on for the recent tours and creation of this record had a profound impact on the spirit of the music. Lance and I met as new kids in high school, both of us on forced exile from former locations for different reasons. Immediately we shared the compulsion to do this so that it actually transcended all the mundane of the usual day. Over a decade later we have been thrown back into a room together and it’s like not a day has passed. This to me is an actual miracle considering how many people I come across that have lost the spark that maybe made them interesting at some point. Perhaps everyone is interesting when they are 20? It could even be that being interesting at 34 isn’t the best station to man. In any event we have been making a racket again for a couple years and some of that is coming your way. The racket is only worth it when you have people to share it with. People that cut without thinking."

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