The Horrors Launch Skying At Tiny Gig

Fans pack intimate London show

The Horrors’ played a last minute Eat Your Own Ears concert in support of their excellent new album Skying in London last night, July 11th. The group played the gig watched by enthusiasts including Tim Burgess of The Charlatans, Factory Floor, Blanck Mass, Klaxons and Bryan Ferry from Proxy Music at new venue The Shacklewell Arms, located near to the studio where they recorded the record, which you can read our review of here. Coming onstage to Suede’s ‘Metal Mickey’, The Horrors played a set taken from both Skying and Primary Colours and, it must be said, were on smoking form. Guitarist Josh was playing some pretty spectacular stuff on the guitar, the synths fitted in nicely, bassist Rhys did his customary bob and weave throughout the entire gig (and his cheekbones look darn good sweaty), and Faris Badwan is increasingly confident as a live singer, thought still a man of few words, remarking only that the gig was "Probably the last chance we have to make mistakes before you know the words" and warning the crowd to beware the venue’s lasers – "I took one in the eye earlier". The new material is already setting itself up nicely for The Horrors appearance at Field Day on August 6th, and for their European tour which will hopefully see seagulls perching in the rafters of The Roundhouse to do that brilliant bit on ‘Moving Further Away’ before it all whoomps back in. That’s on October 12th. Anyway, The Horrors at the Shacklewell Arms played:

‘Changing The Rain’

‘Who Can Say’

‘I Can See Through You’

‘Scarlet Fields’

‘Dive In’

‘Endless Blue’

‘Three Decades’

‘Sea Within A Sea’

‘Still Life’

‘Mirror Image’

‘Moving Further Away’

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