Swans New LP: More Details

Karen O and Alan & Mimi from Low to feature

We’re already looking forward to new Swans record The Seer with the kind of fervor M Gira and friends manage to conjure up at their brilliant live performances. Now interest has been further piqued by this interview over at Spin where Gira lets out some more information. From what he says, it’s going to be a fascinating listen. "It’s a really, varied record," Gira said. "There’s some pretty intense moments, sonically, but there’s also some very pastoral and beautiful moments. Some of the songs are 30 minutes long."

Gira sounds extremely upbeat about the record, which features not only the recent Swans touring band but also contributions from Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Karen O, Akron Family and Low’s Alan Sparhawk and Mimi Parker. "To me it’s the complete synthesis of everything I’ve done and Swans has done, including a lot of Angels of Light influences as well," Gira enthuses. "The band has been playing live for a year and we’re all really connected. This is the best lineup Swans has ever had in terms of getting along and really working for the same goal. It’s been very positive." The See will be out on Gira’s Young God label, date TBC.

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