Oli Marlow, editor of Sonic Router and regular contributor to the Quietus (with the column of the same name), has further expanded the SR empire and launched a record label.
As the site reaches its third birthday, the inaugural release on Sonic Router Records comes from Torus, aka 18 year old resident of The Hague Joeri Woudstra. In keeping with some of the more abstract beats music that SR covers, his music is beautiful, glacial hip-hop with a meandering approach to rhythm that suits its frosty exterior perfectly. Of a piece with some of the Brainfeeder output but less heat-hazed than most of the Californian lot, Torus’ tracks on this EP explore similar territory to someone like Broken20’s very underrated 10-20.
The Torus EP features six tracks, and will be released on limited edition cassette and digitally. The cassette, as well as featuring the EP on the A-side, will also feature a mix of more clubby unheard material on the B. The digital version, meanwhile, features exclusive remixes from Slugabed and Dynoo.
Listen to tracks from the EP below:
The tape will soon be available to pre-order at SR’s Bandcamp. In the meanwhile, head over to the Sonic Router site proper for free mixes and a great information resource on current electronic music.