Savages & Bo Ningen Collaborate

"Sonic Simultaneous Poem" to take place at gallery

All praise to Savages for continuing to show up your common-or-garden guitar band for being the dunderheaded lazy swine most of them are. As well as posting stern notes telling people to stop waving their bloody smartphones around at gigs, the band have announced a one-off event where they’ll perform a collaboration with the mighty Bo Ningen.

The two groups will perform a Sonic Simultaneous Poem called Words To The Blind at the Red Gallery in East London on Wednesday the 29th of May 2013. We are told that this is "inspired by the early DADA concept of simultaneous poetry – a situation where poems are recited simultaneously onstage in different languages ‘in such a way that the resulting combinations account for the total effect of the work, elegiac, funny or bizarre’, quoting the leading Dada artist Hugo Ball. The Sonic Simultaneous Poem alludes to the purpose of bringing a solitary voice back to itself. The voice and sounds become immersed and must fight to be heard, and fight to find their path. The ineluctable rhythm and noise of the world threaten to destroy theindividual, but it shows resistance. The figure stands amongst the cacophony." You can buy tickets here.

This seems to tie in nicely with the themes that shape Savages debut album, Silence Yourself, which arrives with the statement “SAVAGES is not trying to give you something you didn’t have already, it is calling within yourself something you buried ages ago, it is an attempt to reveal and reconnect your PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL self and give you the urge to experience your life differently, your girlfriends, your husbands, your jobs, your erotic life and the place music occupies in your life. Because we must teach ourselves new ways of POSITIVE MANIPULATIONS, music and words are aiming to strike like lightning, like a punch in the face, a determination to understand the WILL and DESIRES of the self." This, interestingly, also ties in with that pertinent instruction about use of cameras and phones at gigs, which you can read below. UPDATE Savages have today also made a film for ‘City’s Full’, watch above.

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