Ryuichi Sakamoto And More Feature On Ukraine Benefit Compilation

'For Ukraine (Volume 2)' also features music from Julianna Barwick and Helios, among others

A new compilation raising funds for humanitarian efforts in Ukraine features music by Ryuichi Sakamoto, Julianna Barwick and Helios, alongside many other artists.

The 25-track For Ukraine (Volume 2) is the second instalment of a series of benefit compilations curated by different musicians for the Headphone Commute label. This release sees Helios collaborator Hollie Kenniff take on the role of curator, while all proceeds from sales of the release will go to International Rescue Committee, as it works to support displaced children and families in Ukraine with vital supplies amid Russia’s invasion of the country.

Sakamoto’s contribution to the release sees him team up with Ukrainian violinist Illia Bondarenko on ‘Piece For Illia’. It came about after the two artist sent files files back and forth. Bondarenko has been collaborating with a number of musicians from a bomb shelter in Ukraine as Russia’s invasion continues. You can listen to the track above ahead of the compilation’s full release later this week.

Following the first two instalments of the For Ukraine series, Headphone Commute will release a third volume in May, curated by Seattle composer and multi-instrumentalist Rafael Anton Irisarri. Meanwhile, you can pre-order the compilation series’ second edition via Bandcamp.

Headphone Commute will release For Ukraine (Volume 2) on April 29, 2022.

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