Real Lies Reveal New Single, ‘Your Guiding Hand’

The track is described as "a song about life and death in the English rain"

Real Lies have released a new single, titled ‘Your Guiding Hand’.

Out today (November 5), the track is described as "a song about life and death in the English rain," and "about finding yourself on a dance floor, suddenly mourning friends lost tragically along the way." You can watch a video for the new song above.

‘Your Guiding Hand’ follows on from the recent release of ‘Since I’, another standalone single from the London duo who put out their debut album, Real Life, in 2015. A second album is due next year, and they’re heading out on a UK tour over the course of this month – find a full list of dates here.

‘Your Guiding Hand’ is out now on Unreal.

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