Public Enemy Fan Drives Them To Gig | The Quietus

Public Enemy Fan Drives Them To Gig

Fan recounts surreal experience of driving the hip-hop veterans to their own gig after a taxi cancelled on them

A Public Enemy fan have spoken of the “most surreal journey” of his life which saw him give the group a ride to their own Sheffield gig after a missed taxi left them at risk of missing the show.

Kevin Wells, a live music photographer, told the Star that he offered them a lift in his Ford Escort from a record shop in the city, where they had been attending a signing on Saturday, so that they could make it to the Motorpoint Arena in time for their support slot for The Prodigy.

“Public Enemy had a taxi booked for 6.30pm, but it drove off before the guys had finished signing autographs,” Wells said. “People started panicking and looking for someone to drive, so I volunteered.

“They were such nice guys, we had a right laugh, We were chatting away, but the phone was constantly going as their management were clearly worried.

“Then as we were coming through Attercliffe, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, by Queen, came on the radio. Everyone was singing the words and rocking out in the back of my car, it was like a Wayne’s World moment. I was looking in the rear view mirror thinking, ‘is this actually happening?’”

The group made it to the arena around 15 minutes before they were due on stage. “I drove up to security and said, ‘I’ve got the band in the back’,” said Wells. “They looked at me as if I was having them on, but then I rolled down the windows and Chuck D showed them the security pass.”

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