The Portals Editions label will tomorrow physically release a new remix project featuring four reworkings of material from Black Manual by KETEV, Cut Hands, Bleed Turqoise and Format01.
To coincide with the release, they have launched a video micro-site through which you can submit your senses to all four remixes at the same time if you so choose, or any combination that takes your fancy. The track in question which has been remixed by the four acts is ‘Mordendo’ and all four videos feature striking monochrome visuals that those with an aversion to strobing might take heed of a warning before checking the link. You can find the page here.
Black Manual was formed in 2012 after Jan St. Werner of the project had heard percussionists Valdir Jovenal, Juninho Quebradeira and Leo Leandro play at a Candomblé ceremony in Berlin. An album, Mordendo, from which the track of the same name is taken was released in 2013. All four videos found on the micro-site were first exhibitied on September 29 in the chapel of former crematorium Silent Green for a Portals Editions showcase. The record is out physically tomorrow nad a digital release will follow on November 25.