Pet Shop Boys To Support Take That!

Duo will play with the boys on UK tour

Two of the greatest groups in British pop will be united this summer as Pet Shop Boys support Take That on the Progress Live Tour. Pet Shop Boys will play choice cuts from their Pandemonium tour. The pair said, presumably speaking at once, "We are delighted to accept Take That’s invitation to be part of their Progress show and tour which is undoubtedly going to be one of the most exciting events of 2011. We look forward to every night being a huge celebration of pop music."

Take That were similarly enthusiastic: "I’m a huge Pet Shop Boys fan so for me it will be an absolute joy to be able to watch them every night," said Robbie Williams. Jason added, "I’m flattered and very happy they’ve agreed to do it. They’re so talented; I thought they’d be above it and us." Gary Barlow delivered the sucker punch of gush, saying "Pet Shop Boys was the first CD I ever bought. I’ve followed their whole career and always loved their unique approach to records and live performance. That combined with two lovely people means we’re in for a great tour." The tour will play every enormous venue throughout the UK during May, June and July.

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