PREMIERE: New $hit And $hine

Hear the first track from a monstrous new $hit & $hine record, premiering exclusively with tQ

Always metamorphosising, always brilliant, the mighty $hit & $hine will return on November 10 with a new EP That’s Enough released via Rocket Recordings.

Above you can watch the video for the title track, exclusively premiering here at tQ, a monstrous, 20 minute monolith of an opener that sees the band on completely relentless form.

You can pre-order the record here, via Bandcamp.

$hit & $hine will perform a number of live shows across Europe this month. The dates are as follows:


11, Geneva, Switzerland, Cave 12

12, Lausanne, Switzerland, Lebourg

13, Schaffhausen, Switzerland, Tabtap

14, Verona, Italy, Colorfico Kroen

15, Ljubjana, Slovenia, Club Gromka

16, Milan, Italy, Macao

17, Koln, Gernmany, Sonicballroom

18, Leipzig, Germany, Ut Connewitz

19, Prague, Czech Republic, Punctum

20, Berlin, Germany, Urban Spree

22, London, UK, Cafe Oto

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