WATCH: New Meatraffle Video

Band share track featuring unofficial Fat White Family spokesman Patrick Lyons

Meatraffle have shared a video for a track called ‘Serve & Obey’, and you can check it out above right now.

The track features unofficial Fat White Family spokesman Patrick Lyons, alongside Cloudy Truffles and the Militant Kids, and is produced by Dr Clams Baker, otherwise known as Mutado Pintado of Warmduscher and Paranoid London. The video, meanwhile, has been put together by Tim Harper.

The band will release their third LP this summer – having apparently made the decision to skip the second LP – and are currently looking for a label to sing the record with. The album will be called The 1917, to mark the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution – it is said to be "dedicated to the Revolutionaries who believed a better world was possible". The simple video follows this idea depicting a frame of a solider gradually zoomed out from a close-up.

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